
1 Bible Verse Leaders MUST Memorize

If you are a Christian leader, or you aspire to be a leader, you MUST memorize this bible verse. Do not let those who hope in you be put to...

How many umbrellas do you carry?

Today I saw someone scurrying across the road with two umbrellas. One opened, in use, protecting her from the rain. The other in her hand. A spare carried just in...

Missional Sexuality

This article was originally posted at the Sex and the Soul Blogathon at Faith ON Campus.

The Christmas Wish List

“Oh, that you would rend the heavens and come down, that the mountains would tremble before you! As when fire sets twigs ablaze and causes water to boil, come down...

Give Presence

This week North Americans celebrate Thanksgiving, a day to rest and carb-load so we have the energy reserves necessary for Black Friday shopping. Thursday we’ll try real hard to be...

Missional Halloween

Today is Halloween, and once again the interwebs are filled with ideas about how Christians should appropriately approach Halloween. Should we boycott, offer alternative celebrations, ignore the holiday, or hand...