How Steven Pressfield, Jeff Goins, and a Bad Website Helped Me Turn Pro

How Steven Pressfield, Jeff Goins, and a Bad Website Helped Me Turn Pro

It happened two weeks ago. I decided it was finally time to start writing the series on waiting I’ve been pondering for months. So I scribbled down a few ideas and hammered out my first post. It wasn’t much, but it was a start. And that’s a lot.

I was writing again, with a plan to do so seriously and regularly. Visions of meaningful writing danced in my head. I could see a series of humble blog posts paving the way for a good article or even a modest book. Should I self publish or shop for a publisher?

And Here’s where it happened. Having written a modest blog entry it was time to post my work. ARGH! Frustration! My free-but-good-enough blog host had updated its site to be more “user-friendly” and “intuitive.” (I’m making air quotes here.) It took over an hour to get the spacing right on the article. I could no longer adjust the placement of my cool-image-that-catches-the-readers-attention. It was a pain and I was ticked.

This platform simply could not work for me any longer if I was going to attempt to write with any seriousness. But a new website would cost money I didn’t have. And what good is a new website since I hardly ever post and hardly anyone ever reads.

Then the voice of the best-me spoke above the frustration, doubt, and negative self-talk: It’s time to turn pro.

In Turning Pro, the great Steven Pressfield* writes that turning pro is a choice: “all you have to do to is change your mind.”

(*You have read The War of Art, right?)

"When we turn pro we stop running from our fears. We turn around and face them." -Steven Pressfield [tweet this]

Turning pro isn’t primarily about making money from your craft. It’s about approaching your craft with the attitudes, work ethic, and tools of a professional.

It is so easy to make excuses about why you can’t do your best work, why you can’t do what you were born to do, why you can’t answer the call of God on your life to join in the recreation of all things.

When you turn pro you no longer let the excuses, or a bad website platform, get in the way of doing your best work, of making your unique contribution in the world.

Turning pro happens in a moment. Pressfield says you’ll never forget the day you chose to turn pro. I’ve realized it has to happen every day.

Or as Jeff Goins puts it: You are a writer; start acting like one.

Tweet thisListen to your best-self, and do your best work, every single day.

So, I’ve turned pro, at least for today.

And welcome to the new website.

Pat Hannon
Pat Hannon Dr. Pat Hannon is a pastor, currently serving at Unity UMC. He is a musician. Listen to his latest music on YouTube. Most importantly, he is a life-long student of Jesus.