52 Verses Bible Memory Challenge

52 Verses Bible Memory Challenge

We always seem to be looking for a magic solution, that one trick that will let us rise above the difficulties and conquer all that life throws at us - while smiling the whole time.

There are no magic solutions.

But there are some core disciplines common among people who rock at life. For followers of Jesus, scripture memorization is one of these core disciplines.

Psalm 119 is an extended meditation on the beauty of God’s law found in scripture. Following God’s way in the world, as revealed in the Bible, is the most sure path through life. It is the way to the best life possible.

Memorizing Scripture allows us to carry God’s word with us at all times, allowing us to access God’s promises and guidance at just the moment we need them.

The psalm writer has discovered that God’s word is the light that can guide surely along the path.

Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path. -Psalm 119:105

Imagine having memorized scripture passages that can light your path in a moment of decision. God brings the right verse to mind at just the right time to help yo do just the right thing - because the verse is already placed in your memory. It’s like carrying a flashlight when you most need it.

So that he might stay on the right path, following God’s will in all things, the psalm writer hides God’s word in his heart.

I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you. -Psalm 119:11

What a great way to think about memorizing scripture: hiding God’s word in your heart!

Want to become wise? Keep the commands of God with you at all times.

Your commands are always with me and make me wiser than my enemies. -Psalm 119:98

The 52 Verse Bible Memory Challenge

Every night my family recites a memorized bible verse and prays together before our evening meal. In 2016 we intend to hide more of God’s Word in our hearts, memorizing 52 new Bible verses - one each week.

We invite you to join us in the 52 Verse Bible Memory Challenge.

For week one, let’s memorize Psalm 119:105: Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path.

Are you in?

Pat Hannon
Pat Hannon Dr. Pat Hannon is a pastor, currently serving at Unity UMC. He is a musician. Listen to his latest music on YouTube. Most importantly, he is a life-long student of Jesus.